Spalva New Age Windows and Doors Manufacturers

About Us

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An Inward Journey

Windows and doors are more than the outwardly material and structure that shape them. They come with a soul that can let the goodness in and keep the unwanted out. Simply put, they offer you a lifetime of goodness, if designed and made to do so. Inspired by the real beauty of windows and doors, Spalva started taking one small step at a time towards exploring their full potential and eventually realizing it.
In the process, Spalva transformed from a steel fabricator into a world-class windows and doors manufacturer and marketer with a range at par and even better than any international brand.

The Spalva Advantages

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Different Perspective

With a continuously upgraded manufacturing facility at Pune, Spalva is redefining and redesigning homes and workplaces with somenever-before seen and heard features of windows and doors. Our endeavor is to bring out all that’s good in windows and doors; be it the aesthetics, the functioning, or the utility.

With over four decades in the industry and market, we have perfected the art and technology of windows and doors making by combining Indian sensibilities with best global practices. And the result is for you to see and feel at our show office or hear from the exponentially growing number of customers.  necessary regelialia.

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